Education is a human right and a crucial ingredient when wanting to form your own destiny, to grow and pursue peace. In the D.R. Congo, this unfortunately is not true for most of the children. Especially not for those born into difficult circumstances, raised by single mothers (who very often got pregnant due to sexual violence) or grandmothers who can’t even support themselves; it is not true for those displaced by war, for street children, refugees and survivors of conflict, nor those from slums and villages with bad mobility and access.
At PCR, we reach out to especially those children. We attract sponsorships to afford sending them to school and to finance teachers. Our Scholarship program aims as far as finding support to give children a chance to eventually attend higher school levels and even university, providing a source of empowerment through education and with that the path out of the vicious circle of violence, and into the direction of healing for a better future and a better life.