Join the Change Agents working to end violence and make peace in Congo.


Local leaders completed peace training


Primary students supported


University students supported with scholarships

Our Story

PCR (Peace & Conflict Resolution) Foundation is a non-political NGO run by Samuel Muderwha (founder & head of operations) and his wife Rachel Faida in Bukavu, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and created in 2006.

We are a team of dedicated individuals who are committed to fostering peace and harmony within our country. Our goal is to create a society where people can live together without violence, promoting understanding and reconciliation among all individuals.

We strive to build means of empowerment, that help to unite people and create a sense and the possibility of peaceful togetherness. We believe in the power of compassion and aim to create a reliable and trustworthy environment for all.

Our Mission

We address violence and poverty in local communities through contextual and targeted initiatives and collaborative partnerships with organizations sharing our vision of peace-building.

Our commitment aims at empowering existing and future generations and equipping them with moral leadership and nonviolence skills, providing basic physical and mental health support, also for refugees well-being.

Our Vision

We are dedicated to resolving community conflicts and empowering individuals with skills that support and enable people to change their lives for the better through their own efforts and to be able to determine their own destinies.

Our vision for the beautiful D.R.Congo is to manifest compassion, foster mutual understanding, and work in unison towards communities thriving in harmony with the tools to build a brighter tomorrow.

Our Five Key Pillars

At the heart of the PCR Foundation lies Five Key Pillars, each stands as a beacon, guiding us with unwavering commitment towards making a positive impact.

Peace Education

Dedicated to training, (psycho) trauma rehabilitation, mediation, restorative justice, and peace-building in schools. Moreover, we support sociotherapy in the form of community self-healing programs and the protection as guardians of human rights defenders through announcing any crime that would threaten their safety. With this pillar, we are forging a path toward a world where peace and justice prevail.

Basic Health

Basic Health is not a given in the DRC. We therefore created initiatives prioritizing hygiene education and provision. We put great effort into the well-being of pregnant and vulnerable women and newborn children. We also work towards combating great challenges like Ebola and malnutrition through hygiene promotion and community mobilization for a healthier future.


We empower communities and local farmers through programs aiming on self-support, while at the same time promoting innovative agricultural systems for sustainable farming, greater produce and income generation, and with this ensuring food security.

We moreover support hand-works and arts inside the local community which in turn support a crucial independence in making a living with help of these products. With enabling local farming and producing, we cultivate a thriving, interconnected community for a more secure and abundant future.


DINAH is a program we developed exclusively for young single mothers and displaced widows. In the D.R. Congo, these groups are especially vulnerable after having lost a partner who would in a traditional setting usually ensure the financial support of the family. In PCR we empower such women through skill development with entrepreneurship programs and specialized education, e.g. handcrafting, as well as sponsoring programs in regard to finding land to live on and growing food. Further support focuses on the special needs of young single mothers under the age of 25, and with that making an immense difference in women’s and children’s lives.


Education is a human right and a crucial ingredient when wanting to form your own destiny, to grow and pursue peace. In the D.R. Congo, this unfortunately is not true for most of the children. Especially not for those born into difficult circumstances, raised by single mothers (who very often got pregnant due to sexual violence) or grandmothers who can’t even support themselves; it is not true for those displaced by war, for street children, refugees and survivors of conflict, nor those from slums and villages with bad mobility and access.

At PCR, we reach out to especially those children. We attract sponsorships to afford sending them to school and to finance teachers. Our Scholarship program aims as far as finding support to give children a chance to eventually attend higher school levels and even university, providing a source of empowerment through education and with that the path out of the vicious circle of violence, and into the direction of healing for a better future and a better life.
Get Involved

Become a PCR Foundation Agent of Change

Send your support to PCR to help fund their mission, many projects throughout their community, and help PCR become more financially sustainable to be able to focus their time and energy on expanding the scope of support to the communities surrounding.

More About PCR

Here's a look into some trainings and initiatives that PCR organizes to support local communities and provide tools to de-escalate or solve conflicts in peaceful ways.

Financially Support PCR Today

To contribute or sponsor, you can use the following banking details:

US Banks & Banks using SWIFT codes

Bank information
Bank name: Access Bank RDC SA
Bank Address: 158 Avenue de la Democratie, Kinshasa-Gombe
Bank Postal code and Town: Kinshasa
Account holder name: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Account holder address: 035, Avenue P E Lumumba, C Ibanda, South-Kivu Town Bukavu
IBAN-number or account number: 00021 00200 21963426901
Bank key: 43
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

US Banks & Banks using SWIFT codes

Bank information

Bank name:
Access Bank RDC SA

Bank Address:
158 Avenue de la Democratie, Kinshasa-Gombe

Bank Postal code and Town: Kinshasa

Account holder name:
Peace and Conflict Resolution

Account holder address:
035, Avenue P E Lumumba, C Ibanda, South-Kivu Town Bukavu

Account number:
00021 00200 21963426901

BIC (SWIFT) number:

Bank key:

Democratic Republic of Congo

International Accounts

Due to certain restrictions in our country, it is currently only possible to
transfer direct donations to our local bank accounts through international
transfers using the SWIFT code provided by our bank. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the form below or the contact details here on our website.

We are grateful for any support and are therefore happy to support you.
world 2

Other International Banks

Due to certain restrictions, we regret to inform you that direct donations to our local bank accounts are currently available through international transfers using the SWIFT code provided by our bank.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the form or use the contact details listed below. We are grateful for any support and are therefore happy to support you.
Our offices
Visit Our Two Locations
Avenue P E Lumumba, C Ibanda
South-Kivu, Town Bukavu
Himbi, C. de Goma
Ville de Goma, Nord-Kivu
Trusted by the Best

Featured Partners

We believe in the strength of partnerships. Collaborating with organizations and businesses amplifies our impact and brings positive change to even more lives.

Some words from our volunteers

Wisi sed sanctus voluptua est te soluta vulputate ut voluptua et consetetur takimata in feugiat. Gubergren diam magna sed dolor duo diam lorem.
Breakdance is flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use. It's everything I need to build a website.
Mirella Kreder
Conflict Management Coach & Trainer
Breakdance is flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use. It's everything I need to build a website.
Louis Reingold
CEO @ Breakdance
As a certified (and passionate) mediator, I support Samuel & Rachel in their cause through pro bono training, and through securing the pro bono support of other trainers.
Mirelle Kneider
Conflict mediator

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We strive to establish a society where people and communities are empowered with the skills to overcome conflict and take charge of their destiny.
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